Any person who knowingly and wilfully aids, abets, counsels or procures the Commission of an offence punishable under this part shall be liable to be dealt with, indicted, tried and punished as a principal offender. 任何人明知而故意协助、教唆、怂使或促致犯根据本部可予惩处的罪行,可作为主犯予以处理、公诉、审讯及惩处。
A principal offender other that the one stipulated in the third paragraph shall bear criminal responsibility for all the crimes he participated in, organized, or directed. 对于第三款规定以外的主犯,应当按照其所参与的或者组织、指挥的全部犯罪处罚。
As a special criminal type in criminal law theory and judicial practice, indirect principal offender has its unique features. 间接正犯是刑法理论和司法实践中的一种特殊的犯罪形态,有其独特的特征。
A Study on the Crime-shared Accessory& Centralized on the Analysis of German and Japanese Theories; Review of Constitution Status together with Common Principal Offender 论共谋共同正犯&以德日学说比较为中心从日本刑法立场论构成身份与共同正犯
On the Expansion of Indirect Principal Offender: Utilizer of Principal 论间接正犯概念的扩张&正犯后正犯
Later findings verified the scientist's statement by questioning several witnesses On the Expansion of Indirect Principal Offender: Utilizer of Principal 警察正在询问几位目击者,以核实罪犯的供词。论间接正犯概念的扩张&正犯后正犯
The concept of principal offender is not mentioned in criminal law in China and the study on the character of criminal participation system is seldom dealt among scholars. 我国刑法并未提到正犯的概念,我国学者在共犯研究中鲜有涉及到我国犯罪参与体系性质的问题。
However, the latter can provide reasonable prop to joint principal offender of consequential aggravated criminal. 前者不能成立结果加重犯的共同正犯,而后者可以成立结果加重犯的共同正犯。
Due to different comprehension, there are theories of independent causation, causation same with the principal offender and dangerous offender. 由于学者们的理解不一,存在独立因果关系说、和正犯同一的因果关系说、危险犯说等分歧。
The Status with Common Principal Offender 共同正犯与身份
On the Issues for the Types and Determination of Indirect Principal Offender 间接正犯类型及认定问题研究
Study on the Successive Joint Principal Offender 继承的共同正犯研究
The difference between indirect principal offender and self-crime is that the former is criminal pattern and the latter is crime pattern; 间接正犯和亲手犯的区别表现在,前者是一种犯罪人形态,后者是一种犯罪形态;
Research on the Scope and Determination of Indirect Principal Offender 间接正犯的成立范围与认定研究
This theory is taking theory of indirect principal offender and the binary structure of unit personality as basic. Its applicable scope includes unit which lacks legal identity, lacks criminal ability, or lacks ability to assume punishment. 单位人格否认论,以单位人格的二元构造和间接正犯的理论为基础,其适用范围包括单位缺乏合法身份、缺乏犯罪能力和缺乏刑罚适应能力的场合。
Among the theoretical basis, distinct system legislation mode which is based on the concept of the limited principal offender and accomplice from the property. 其中,区分制共同犯罪立法模式以限制正犯概念和共犯从属性作为其理论基础。
Indirect principal offender, whether in criminal law theories or in judicial practice, is of great significance. 间接正犯无论是在刑法理论中还是在司法实践中,都具有重要意义。
The subjective element of indirect principal offender is intentional, including direct and indirect, fault as an exception. 间接正犯的主观方面主要表现为故意,包括直接故意与间接故意,过失间接正犯的情况为例外。
The research on the indirect criminal guidances the practice. The last in my article is a legislation envisaged about the indirect criminal, based on the principal offender in our country to introduce an idea indirectly. 理论研究的价值在于其对实践的指导作用,本文的最后是在上述有关间接正犯理论研究的基础上对我国引入间接正犯的一个立法设想。
Next, in the indirect principal offender behavior can manifest its special characteristic controls the relations. 其次,间接正犯行为中能够体现其特质的是控制关系。
In the criminal law of China, the concept of personally committing crime has not been defined. The research of personally committing crime in the theory field is also comparatively odd and scattered, which studying more on indirect principal offender, status crime and lacking scientific argumentation. 我国刑法中并没有规定亲手犯,理论界对亲手犯的研究也较为零散,多见于间接正犯、身份犯的研究之中,缺乏系统的论证,所以对亲手犯的研究确有必要。
For details, firstly this article talks about the definition and the essence of the joint principal offender with the analysis of the constitutive requirements of it, including the subjective and objective requirements. 具体而言,本文从共同正犯的含义和本质入手,分析了共同正犯的成立要件,包括客观要件和主观要件。
First of all, one-sided accomplice is a criminal pattern, rather than offender, is different from indirect principal offender. One-sided accomplice and indirect principal offender are totally two different concepts, so that indirect principal offender to regulate one-sided accomplice is totally unreasonable. 首先,片面共犯是一种犯罪形态,而不是指犯罪人,不同于间接正犯,和间接正犯完全是不同的两个概念,所以说用间接正犯来规制片面共犯是完全没有道理的。
United system legislation mode is based on the concept of the expansion of principal offender. 统一制共同犯罪立法模式以扩张正犯概念作为其理论基础。
Discussed in this part of the accomplice and the principal offender in the relationship between the various theories that the accomplice is also consistent with the duality that meet the legal requirements of criminal law. 在这部分中论述了共犯与正犯的关系上的各种学说,认为共犯二重性说符合法理也符合我国刑法规定。
Generally indirect perpetrators refers to the principal offender using the person must as the intermediary to implement criminal acts, the intermediary which be used is not responsible for criminal or not be the relationship of joint crime because of some circumstance. 一般认为间接正犯是指把一定的人作为中介实施其犯罪行为,其所利用的中介由于某些情节而不负刑事责任或不发生共犯关系的一种犯罪形态。
Self offense, as a type of crime, which is the subject of crime and guilty act can not be separated, must be implemented by the principal offender directly. 亲手犯是指主体和行为不可分离,必须由正犯直接实施实行行为的犯罪形态。
About the limit of two, foreign criminal scholars put forward the subjective theory, the behavior control theory, the obligation offense theory and other theories, and on the basis of this has formed the principal offender doctrine, the accessory offender doctrine and the compromise doctrine. 关于二者的界限,国外刑法学界提出了主观说、行为支配说、义务犯说等诸多理论,并以此对不作为参与问题形成了原则正犯说、原则帮助犯说以及各种各样的折中学说。
First is the concept of the principal offender, we should analyse it in two aspects, the front and the opposite. 第二部分是对共同正犯的本体进行研究,首先是正犯的概念问题,笔者主张从正面和反面两个方向进行分析。
In the common principal offender implemented the behavior request to have together the implementation behavior intentionally and implements together has executive the action. 共同正犯中实行行为要求具有共同实施行为的故意和共同实施了实行行为。